
I am madly in love with design.

It's as simple as that. From the moment my parents gave me Print Shop Deluxe for my birthday and I spent the entire day creating fake travel ads, I knew this was what I would do. Now I get to put my skills to work creating exceptional design for businesses, non-profits, and everything else under the sun.

For a more in-depth look, download my résumé.

And here, have some fun facts about me, in case you were curious:

  • I have four cats and one husband. Guess who takes priority?

  • I travel whenever I can and need adventure like I need food and water. Even if it's just a day trip to Ocean City to gorge on Thrasher's fries and Dumser's ice cream. Bucket list: Vietnam, a road trip through Germany, New Zealand.

  • I love Natty Boh. In a can. There, I've said it.

  • Sixteen tattoos and counting. No, you can't see all of them.

  • The strangest thing I've ever eaten was rehydrated dried squid. It was awful and tasted like fish smells after two days in a dumpster during a hot, humid summer. Never again... unless you've got a winning Mega Millions ticket.